Proper lubrication can help save time, energy, and money by reducing friction, improving performance, and increasing the service life of machines and tooling used in a wide variety of industries. Many pieces of high-end equipment require very specific lubrication to critical components and parts to ensure proper operation.
Spray nozzles can accurately apply a wide variety of lubricants in the precise amounts/coverage densities necessary in these critical applications. BETE has years of experience in selecting nozzles to apply lubricants of all densities and viscosities with the throw and coverage necessary to cover critical machinery parts, tooling, and products during manufacturing processes.
Common Uses & Industries 
- Gear lubrication, roller lubrication for metal forming
- CNC or machining fabrication, die forming/stamping
- Prevent binding or galling
- Conveyor lubrication
- Food and Beverage Processing Industry
Important Factors to Consider When Selecting a Nozzle For Lubrication:
- Required coverage
- Spray media density and viscosity
- Ease of maintenance/replacement
- Available nozzle mounting locations and required nozzle throw
- Available/required flow rate and coverage densities
- Available pressure drop (∆P) across the nozzle
∆P = supply pressure at nozzle inlet - process pressure outside nozzle