ASL Roteq Field Service Solutions

The ASL Roteq Service Team does it all including Emergency Service; installation and start-up; remove, refurbish, reinstall and commission your pump, mixer, motor or gear reducer. Our Predictive Maintenance Program provides more than just vibration analysis – we record bearing temperatures, look for seal leaks, check where the pump is operating on its curve and use Infrared technology to analyze the electrical system.

Predictive & Preventative Services

  • Vibration Analysis
  • Vibration | PdM Programs
  • Training & Certification
  • Advanced Diagnostics
  • Laser Alignment
  • Infrared Thermography
  • Field Balancing
  • Hydraulic Analysis
  • VTP De-tuning Plates
ASL-Roteq-Predictive-and-Preventive-Maintenance ASL-Roteq-Predictive-and-Preventive-Maintenance-2

Remote Analysis Services (RAS)

How RAS Works

  1. Purchase, Lease or Rent a Data Collector
  2. Send us a list of Machines to be monitored
  3. We create the database and send the route fi les back for transfer to the data collector
  4. Collect the readings on your machines
  5. Transmit the data back to us for analysis (email | Drobox)
  6. We analyze the data and generate a deficiency report
  7. Repeat Monthly or Quarterly

Benefits of RAS and Continuous Monitoring

  • Analysis performed by Level 3 Certified Analysts
  • Optimizes the cost structure of your program
  • Maintain program ownership
  • Flexible Implementation
  • 24/7 Continuous Monitoring
  • Alarm Messaging
  • Remote Reporting of Customer Data


ASL Roteq Predictive Services

ASL Roteq Predictive Services

ASL Roteq Services Brochure

ASL Roteq Services Brochure

ASL Roteq Field Services

ASL Roteq Field Services

ASL Roteq Remote Analysis Services

ASL Roteq Remote Analysis Services


Talk to one of our Experts

Reach out to our team of Spraying, Pumping, Filtering, Valve, and Systems Specialists today. We know we can help you with any municipal or industrial application challenges.