Optimize Nozzle Performance With Precise Nozzle Arrangement
BETE is not limited to manufacturing nozzles. Our engineering and fabrication services provide complete nozzle assemblies for your spray process.
Precise nozzle arrangement on spray headers, spargers, and spools is as critical as selecting the right nozzle for your application. BETE can fabricate the piping section for nozzle installation. The nozzles can be trial fit into the spool piece as part of the manufacturing process before leaving the factory. Our expertise ensures no last-minute surprises, meeting your performance and delivery expectations.
Spray Headers
Spray headers consist of multiple nozzle arrangements fabricated into a pipe section. These are commonly used in spray towers and applications where the spray must be distributed over a designated area. BETE can design and fabricate straight, branched, or ring-style spray headers.
Ring Header

Branch Header
Spargers & Spool Sections
BETE can place nozzles inside a sparger or spool for an entire spray injection assembly. Installations are either bolt-in or weld-in.
Sparger Spool

Mixing Spool
Common Design Requirements
- ASME B31.3 -Process Piping
- ASME B31.1 -Power Piping
Boiler External Piping (PP Authorization)
Nonboiler External Piping - ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1 (U Authorization)
- Welding qualification to ASME B&PVC, Section IX
- Canadian Registration (CRN)
- NACE compliance
Manufacturing Code Compliance
BETE provides drop-in solutions, including custom spray lances, quills, injection lances, and chemical injectors. Fabrication is BETE’s specialty, from complex ASME Code compliance to simple flush pipe and flange assemblies. Our highly qualified welders have extensive experience welding dissimilar metals and exotic alloys, including nickel and cobalt alloys.
Testing & Validation
Mechanical Inspection
- RT –Radiographic
- UT –Ultrasonic
- PT –Visible Dye Penetrant
- Hydrostatic
- Hardness
- PMI –Positive Material Identification
Performance Inspections
- Flow
- Spray Angle
- Cone Shape
- Droplet Size
- Special Customer Requirements